
It’s a wrap!

The CTE Makeover Challenge culminated with our showcase at World Maker Faire, where the Challenge winners spoke about their experiences designing and building makerspaces at the “Winners Tell All” panel. The winners discussed the importance of getting early buy-in from administration, ways to give students ownership over the space, and tips for unveiling the makerspace to the school community. From one makerspace that included an artist-in-residence program to another that featured mobile carts, the audience got a taste of the creativity that made these designs stand out. Check out video tours of the winning spaces here!

Teachers from the CTE Makeover Challenge winning schools pose after their panel at World Maker Faire

Teachers from the CTE Makeover Challenge winning schools pose after their panel at World Maker Faire

The CTE Makeover Challenge is Heading to World Maker Faire!

The CTE Makeover Challenge prize winners had a very busy summer building out their makerspaces and are now gearing up to showcase their work at World Maker Faire in New York! We’re thrilled to celebrate their hard work this coming weekend and hope to see you there! Please mark your calendars for the following sessions to meet the winners and hear their insights from the Challenge.

If you are unable to attend, we invite you to follow along with #CTEMakeover and @EdPrizes on Twitter and check out the video showcase of the winners’ makerspaces below.

“Supporting Diverse Learners through Making” Panel at the Make: Education Forum
Time: Friday 9/30 at 11:15 a.m. ET
Location: New York Hall of Science Auditorium
Albert Palacios, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education at the U.S. Department of Education, will show video tours from the winners and discuss how maker education supports diverse learning needs with the following experts:

  • Janella Watson, Director of Early Childhood Education, NYSCI
  • Stephanie Chang, Director of Programs, Maker Ed
  • Gina Tesoriero, Special Education Learning Specialist and STEM Educator, MS319 Maria Theresa
  • J. Kemi Ladeji-Osias, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Morgan State University
  • Dorothy Bennett, Director of Creative Pedagogy, NYSCI

During the lunch break, the Ed Prizes team and a group of CTE Makeover prize winners will be available to discuss their Challenge experience and answer any questions on the design and development of their maker programs. If you’ll be attending, keep an eye out for us!

“Winners Tell All” Panel at World Maker Faire
Time: Saturday 10/1 at 3:30 p.m. ET
Location: New York Hall of Science on the Make: Education Stage
On Saturday, we’re heading to the Make: Education stage for a Q&A session with the CTE Makeover prize winners to hear how they brought their own makerspaces to life over the course of the Challenge.

The conversation will explore various topics, such as how schools have modeled their makerspaces to reflect the particular interests of their community and their plans for utilizing their new spaces for interdisciplinary learning. The prize winners will offer practical advice on how they secured early buy-in from administrators and school leaders to grow their maker programs and discuss their challenges and learnings from the build-out phase.

We hope to see you there!


Take an Inside Look at the Winners’ Makerspaces

On June 17, we were thrilled to announce the 10 CTE Makeover Challenge prize winners at the White House Champions of Change for Making event. To help them put their makerspace plans into action, each winning school received $20,000 and a share of in-kind prizes donated by sponsors and valued at $375,000. Since the announcement, the schools have been working hard to transform a space in their school into a state of the art makerspace for students to participate in hands-on learning and learn valuable career and technical skills.

From mobile makerlabs to autoshop libraries to entrepreneurship hubs, these 10 makerspaces will serve as exceptional models for all schools working on developing their own making programs. To highlight each winner’s plans and build-out progress, we’ve launched a Winners section featuring all 10 schools.

Take a look at these exemplary makerspaces from schools across the nation:

Congratulations again to our prize winners!

CTE Makeover Bootcamp: Week 6 Overview

In this final week, take a moment to celebrate your progress. You are approaching the finish line of Bootcamp, so keep up the hard work!

Reminder – Blueprints due on May 22

Your Blueprint submissions are due on May 22, 2016 by 10:59:59 PM EDT. We recommend reviewing the following notes to help you complete your Blueprint:

  • Blueprint Authorization Form: The Blueprint Authorization Form is different from the one submitted in your First Round Submission and requires new signatures from your Principal or Assistant Principal, and your Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent.
  • Budget Template: Note that the examples included in the budget template are illustrative. Please adapt these examples to your makerspace. For ideas, see the readings in Lesson 5: Budgeting and Resources.

Bonus Opportunities to Connect with Makers

We hope you’ll continue to engage with the broader maker community after Bootcamp! Take a look at the following upcoming events:

  • MakerBot Makeathons: Makeathons are a chance for educators to collaborate on 3D printing-related lesson plans and activities. See if one is coming to a city near you!

Looking for additional maker events? Check out this Maker Faire map.