
Up to 10 schools will win prizes to help build their makerspaces.


Total Cash Prize Pool

Prizes awarded under this competition will be paid by electronic funds transfer and may be subject to Federal income taxes.

In addition, schools will have the opportunity to win a share of the in-kind prizes donated to the U.S. Department of Education by the Challenge sponsors. These prizes may include:


  • 20 Printrbot Play 3D printers
  • 10 Dremel 3D Idea Builder printers
    with an open system that allows users to download free, print-ready models; printers come preassembled
    Ul-certified for safety
  • 4 MakerBot Replicator 5th Generation printers 
  • 2 Handibot portable CNC tools
  • $15,000 in credits toward the purchase of a CNC machine

Tools & Supplies

  • 10 Autodesk/Arduino Basic Kits
  • 30 Microsoft Internet of Things Packs for Raspberry Pi 2
    each pack contains a Rasberry Pi 2 computer, a full size breadboard, an assembled Adafruit temperature and pressure sensor, an assembled Adafruit color sensor, and more
  • 10 LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3 Core Sets with Software Packs
  • 2 littleBits Workshop Sets
    each including 160 Bits each to support a up to 32 students
  • 125 CTE Kits
  • 5 Maker Ed “Possibility Boxes”
    containing supplies and technologies for makerspace projects
  • 180 Makey Makey Classics
    including a Makey Makey Board, a USB Cable, Alligator Clips, Connector Wires, Project Start Guide, Online Documentation, and Color Stickers
  • Customized Snap-on roll cab tool boxes with a variety of essential tools for any makerspace
    possible tools include precision tools, multi-meters, torque tools, and safety equipment, among others

Mentors & Access

  • 5 Hours of individualized consulting from Maker Ed
  • 40 Hours of U.S. Fab Lab Network professional development training
  • 10 Hours of Autodesk phone support
  • One-on-one mentoring with
  • Full day of in-person hardware training with SparkFun
    for 5 honorees
  • Virtual professional hardware training with SparkFun
    for 5 honorees
  • In-person ShopBot training
  • 50 Hours of technical training from Microsoft
  • Webinar and customized set of project suggestions with the Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM (TIES)
  • Two 20-hour Fab Foundation consultations
    for 2 of the honorees that have mobile makerspaces
  • Beta access to Makey Makey in-person teacher training program
  • National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) instructor training and certification
  • Consulting and training from Snap-on and partners for designing and implementing new makerspaces
  • Access to Snap-on’s image catalogue and assistance in producing makerspace signage and artwork
  • Virtual or in-person tour with Etsy manufacturer
  • 10 Instructables Pro Memberships (Autodesk)
  • Access to training program for new makerspaces