We are delighted to share that we received an outstanding 298 second round Blueprint submissions from the schools participating in the CTE Makeover Bootcamp. Throughout the Bootcamp, schools further developed and refined their makerspace plans to turn their vision for a makerspace into a reality. They explored curated resources, readings, and assignments on a range of makerspace topics, including designing a makerspace, engaging the community, developing a budget, and creating projects that build making skills. At the completion of the Bootcamp, participating schools submitted their finalized plans to compete for the over $575,000 in cash and in-kind prizes.
To help the judges review the tremendous number of Blueprint submissions, we assembled a panel of making experts from across industry, academia, the arts, and makerspace leadership. Their knowledge of makerspace best practices has provided the judges invaluable insight as they make their recommendations for honoree selection. We are honored to have so many making champions join the panel, and would like to extend a huge thank you to them for generously providing their time to the Challenge.
Please join us in recognizing the esteemed review panel:
Sylvia Aguinaga, DIY Girls & 9 Dots Community Center
Evan Allen, i3detroit
Richard Anderson, Fair Use Building and Research Labs
Tambira Armmand, MakeHaven
Tom Armstrong, Wheaton College
Sean Auriti, Alpha One Labs
Jessica Austin, Axiom Data Science
Douglas Baldwin, Piscataway Public Library (MiY Makerspace)
Alexander Bandar, Columbus Idea Foundry
Matt Barinholtz, FutureMakers
Leslie Birch, Adafruit
Erika Bjune, IOT Inventor
Sara Bolduc, CEC Makerspace & Media Studio
Scot Brees, High Desert Makers
Tara Tiger Brown, Los Angeles Makerspace
Christine Bue, LBKD Corp and MakerBiz
John Burke, Miami University Middletown
Joe Cantu, IDIYA
Colby Carpenter, Utah State University and 4-H
Karen Christians, Cleverwerx
Andria Davis, Chattanooga Public Library
Greta de Parry, Greta de Parry Design
Errin Dean, Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub
Ellen Do, Georgia Institute of Technology
Adarsh Ettyreddy, DukeMakers at Duke University
Saafir Evada, DesignIT Studios
Domenic Giunta, IDIYA Makerspace
Mary Glendening, Middletown Free Library | CreateSpace@MFL
Joel Gordon, Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub
Rebecca Grabman, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh
Colleen Graves, Ryan High School Library Makerspace and Denton ISD
Stephanie Grimes, Digital Harbor Foundation
Deren Guler, Fatcatfablab
Georgia Guthrie, The Hacktory
Marybeth Haneline, Nova Labs
Rachel Hellenga, Conducty
Jessica Henricks, Girl Scouts of Northern California
Daniel Hidalgo, Idaho Art Lab
Kara Hidalgo, Idaho Art Lab
Scott Hill, Twin Cities Maker
Mack Hooper, FamiLAB
John Hopkins, Michigan Inventors Coalition / Jackson MakerSpace, Jackson Michigan
Rania Hoteit, ID4A Technnologies
Amy Hurst, UMBC
Dorothy Jones-Davis, NationOfMakers.org
Julia Kemp, Harvard Business School
Melissa Koch, MakerEx, LLC
Leah Kraus, Fayetteville Free Library
Gokul Krishnan, New York Hall of Science
Russell Lankenau, Workshop 88
Matt Lehner, Buffalo Lab
Aaron Leis, DIYcave
David Lin, Children’s Science Center
Jomie Liu, YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley
Amber Lovett, University of Michigan and Michigan Makers
Gina Lujan, Hacker Lab
Marissa Lynn, Harvard Medical School
Sarah Marshall, ADX
Sylvia Martinez, Invent To Learn
Nancy Mata, Make717
Xanthe Matychak, Rev Ithaca, Ithaca College
Scott McEvoy, DUhatch Start-up Incubator
John McNulty, Makers Square
Justin Merrell, Catalyst Space
Andrew Miller, Makerspaces.com
Jess Monette, Scoutmob
Steve Morris, Catylator Makerspace
Shuby Narayanaswamy, Rika Box
Liam Nilsen, JoyLabz (Makey Makey)
Maya Nitzberg, The Possible Project
Daisy Nodal, Moonlighter Makerspace
Jillian Northrup, Because We Can, Inc.
Paul O’Brien, Berkshiremakerkids-at-Southern Berkshire Regional School District
Sarah O’Rourke, Autodesk
Jumoke Osias, Morgan State University
Melissa Pardun, Maker’s Edge makerspace
Jessica Parker, Maker Ed
Diana Pincus, MakerBot
Stephanie Prato, Fayetteville Free Library
Henry Quach, Duke University
Daniel Rabuzzi, Mouse
Logan Rooper, Duke University
Margaret Roth, Yet Analytics
Molly Rubenstein, International Development Innovation Network, Olin College of Engineering
Derek Seabury, Artisan’s Asylum
Nathan Seidle, SparkFun Electronics and Open Source Hardware Association
Kira Seiger, Harvard Medical School
Kristin Shearer, The Grommet
Gene Sherman, VOCADEMY | The Makerspace
Caroline Solis, MakerBot
Talya Stein, The BCCP
Lori Ann Terjesen, Children’s Science Center
Andres Torres, Makerspace Forsyth LLC
Mark Van Holstyn, GR Makers
Michelle Walker, Walker Philanthropic Consulting
Nicholas Ward-Bopp, Johnson County Library and Maker Village KC
Susan Wells, TechTerra
Mary West, Sparkfun
Matthew Williams, MakerPoint Studios & MakerSpace
Christopher Wilson, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago
Andrew Winstead, IDIYA, New Orleans Makerspace
Anna Young, Pop Up Labs and MakerHealth